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Watch our video on how to create an Amazon FNSKU Label.  We will show you how to create your FNSKU labels in Amazon Seller Central. FNSKU’s are Amazon Fulfillment network SKU’s. The FNSKU ties your inventory to your Amazon Sellers account, preventing it from being commingled. All products going into, this should be done before the items reach FBA to avoid a costly removal order.

Once you are on your Amazon Sellers account, you need to create a shipment in order to get to your FNSKU label. To start, navigate to the inventory tab on your account and select “manage inventory” or “manage FBA inventory”. By using the manage FBA inventory, you will be allowed to only see your fba inventory and the merchant fulfilled inventory will be filtered out. Then, select the items you are going to be shipping out by checking the select field to the left of the item. Next, make sure that the drop-down states “send/replenish inventory” and then click the orange button where it says “Go”.

The site is going to ask you to input or confirm the ship from address. If you are shipping from River Source Logistics and the shipping plan for that is already created, you can go ahead and move forward, since we are only creating a shipment to obtain the FNSKU label, the from address is not important.

On the next page, you will input the number of units you are creating the shipment for. If you are sending these labels to River Source Logistics, you can input 1, because we have a thermal printer and will print as many copies as you need. Also, since we are only creating this shipment to create the FNSKU label, you can input just 1 unit.

We will continue past the next page until we reach the “label products” page. Amazon charges $.25 per unit to label so we prefer to label the products at River Source Logistics, who charge $.15 per unit to label, therefore we want to make sure that “merchant” is selected under the “who labels?” section.

If you are printing your FNSKU labels at home on a thirty sheet printer, make sure to select “30-up labels” in the bottom drop down field. If you are sending your FNSKU label to River Source Logistics, you can leave it at the default selection. Next, you want to click on “print labels” and you will get a PDF file with your FNSKU label.

And that is how you generate your FNSKU label.

If you need your FNSKU label for a River Source Logistics order, go ahead and save the PDF and attach it to your order when you place it.